In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the life you want!” I am speaking with Trine Høhrmann. Using the Three Principles understanding, Trine helps family members of those going through a mental health issue. In this episode, we discuss the ripple effect of supporting family members and the positive impact that this has on both parties.
Our conversation explores how the mind tends to create scenarios when we get caught up in labeling others or ourselves. Once we let that go, then new fresh ideas show up. The more we relax, the more we get in the flow of life and we begin to notice that we are moved in a direction without forcing anything. Something greater than us is supporting us and nudging us along the journey. Join us and discover a more peaceful way to navigate life. Follow the nudges that show up along the way without judging them or labeling them. Be gentle on yourself and others. Trust in the flow of life.
Trine lives in Denmark with her family. She is dedicated to self-discovery which comes through heartfelt companionship, co-listening and curiosity for what is possible. She joins her clients on their life journey as they navigate through their inner experiences and life purpose to discover a deeper and more heartfelt confidence and joy.
For more information on Trine Høhrmann, visit