Herve Caron: The ability to think is a creative force in the universe.
In this episode of “Dream It! Dare It! Do It! Live the Life You Want!” I am speaking to fellow Three Principles coach Herve Caron.Herve originally had a career as an international banker before joining the Three Principles community in 2010. Now, he enjoys diving into deep explorations about the nature of thought. As such, […]
Sanne Schroll Lønborg: Even if you’re in the most crazy circumstances of your life, you’re always okay inside.
In this episode of “Dream It! Dare It! Do It! Live the Life You Want!” I am having a heartfelt conversation with Sanne Schroll Lønborg. Sanne is a Danish colleague practitioner of the Three Principles.She shares her transformative journey into understanding the Three Principles and how they reshaped her perception of life. Through stories of […]
Kate Roberts: When we get out of our head, there is a knowing.
In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!” I am speaking with Kate Roberts. Kate and I have worked together for the 3PGC (The Three Principles Global Community). Kate began her career in the field of education as a high school teacher. She later learned from top coaches, […]
Martin Darra: Be yourself and play your game.
In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!” I am speaking with Martin Dara, a transformational coach and physical education teacher. Martin discusses the various ways he helps individuals and teams to change the way they see the world. In doing so, he assists them in handling any […]
Anke Herrman: The process of building a business, or creating anything, is a series of experiments.
In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!” I am speaking with Anke Herrmann about being in flow and honoring our individuality as we seek to do anything we want to do in our lives. Anke and I are both business coaches and love animals; moreover, we have […]
Anna Scott: I thought something was wrong with me but I was just feeling my own thoughts.
In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!” I am speaking with Anna Scott. Anna Scott is a Three Principles Coach; she is also a friend whose wisdom I value very much. It was such a joy to invite her back to my podcast to have a conversation […]
Kristina Bruce: You can still be with the feeling of the thinking and continue doing what you’re doing.
It’s season 6 and I am excited! In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!” I am speaking with Kristina Bruce about making peace with our humanness. As a Body Acceptance Coach, Kristina specializes in helping others with the struggle of thinking they must “fix” their bodies. More comprehensively, […]