In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!” I am speaking with Robin Charbit,
who is a businessman, a coach, and the author of the book “Invisible Power.” As I continue to highlight
Inspired Action and Inspiring Programs Robin’s upcoming program called “Invisible Power, The Next
Paradigm” is definitely one worth exploring. In this episode, Robin dives into the meaning of ‘Invisible
Power’ and discusses how external circumstances don’t truly dictate what is happening inside you.
Robin brings the understanding of the Three Principles to the business community by helping people
gain insight into what’s going on in their minds. This knowledge dramatically increases both business
efficiency and personal growth. By helping teams in the business world, Robin’s work benefits not only
the individual but the entire organization. His impact continues to make a significant difference in the
lives of people and businesses worldwide. Join us for an inspiring conversation centered around Inspired
Action and Inspiring Programs.