In this episode of “Dream It! Dare It! Do It! Live the life you want!” I am speaking with Lynn Capsalors. We discuss the power of thought as it is seen through the 3 Principles, and the beauty of living life from a space of peace and clarity.
Lynn talks about her recent decision to say ‘yes’ to life. She shows how this decision frees up space, in order for us to live a more expansive life without anxiety and fear. When we see the source of everything, true transformation happens. Join me and Lynn Capsalors in our exploration of freedom, peace, and clarity. Once you see that transformation is possible, you will trust the guidance coming from your heart, instead of the noise in your head.
Lynn’s spiritual journey began when she stepped onto her yoga mat in teacher training in 2013. Lynn shares with others the power of yoga: slowing down and easing up on the gas pedal of thought, living from clarity, peace, and your true identity instead of struggling with stress, anxiety, fear, etc.
Her most popular class is Yin Yoga, where the poses are held for 3 to 5 minutes, observing your experience of thoughts and emotions flowing through, doing nothing but noticing. An opportunity to just be instead of do. Because the body and mind are one, Lynn is a spiritual mentor who helps people understand how their thoughts create their reality instead of outside circumstances. Lynn is a writer (blogger) and teaches through sharing her insights and wisdom.
For more information on Lynn Capsalors, visit